See, around this time is where I start dreaming. Not the type where you physically go to sleep and have so-called “visions”, but more so like daydreaming except it’s pitch black outside and all of the lights around me are off. And to be completely honest someone could argue that the “pitch-black daydream” is better (need to come up with a better name for that XD). I mean when you’re daydreaming you control what it’s about and typically they’re about something realistic too. Like something you imagine for your future self. And most of the time this is completely different than your typical sleep one considering the range is completely unlimited. I personally like both equally, but it could be different for others.

I say all of this to say that my dreams are BIG and I mean like BIG BIG. And I know I’m not the only one. However; because of this I’ve excepted that maybe I won’t complete all of them in this lifetime, and I’m ok with that (I mean of course I strive to but I it doesn’t mean I’m going to hate my life for it.) Everyday we take challenges head-on to eventually get to where we want to be. I make sure I do this, but at the end of the day I just want to live as well. Be present and not lose myself because I almost did that once. This was when I was posting 1 video/week on YouTube whilst also having school, track, and piano. It was terrible. My mom told me to stop this because of how she saw it was affecting me (staying up until 11 P.M. on school nights, rushing a full face of make-up right after track practice), but I didn’t listen. I was growing a lot after all (about 300 views at least)! This continued for a couple more weeks and one day there was a crash. I was frozen, lost myself, and couldn’t film.

I made some changes to how I approached grinding towards my dreams/goals because of these experiences. Now I post on my channel once every 2 weeks, keep my Instagram active, and also my TikTok. It’s great! I have time for myself and still feel accomplished because I continue the small goals I have set.

I still have my ups and downs because I’m human, but I never quit and have lots faith and hope. Those traits there are what’s going to manifest me and my dreams together. I wasn’t born with these ambitions for no reason. Have faith and don’t give up wonderful people. Goodnight <3

Fundraising Films

Fundraising Films is an easy to use nonprofit focused marketing campaign platform that uses the power of your story to maximize impact.
